Fiadh Naomhan

the wild witch of dravania

ᚠᛁᛅᛏᚼ ᚾᛅᚬᛘᚼᛅᛘ

out of character

Hi, I'm Bee and my first roleplay happened over aol instant messenger. I've literally been RPing since y2k.I'm a short para-writer who enjoys both whimsy and drama, always aiming for that wonderful high of telling a beautiful story with other cooperative writers. Over 20+ years of roleplay experience in private messages, forums, mmos, server-based and tabletop games has shown me just about every style and trope under the sun, and given me a deep understanding of what I excel at, what I do and don't enjoy, and how I can best facilitate others' stories.

ㅤㅤ Looking For : 

  • Individual/Small Group RP - Between two and eight players is my particular sweet spot.

  • Open World - The game has given us so many beautiful backdrops, and I love to utilize them. Not everything needs to happen in private housing.

  • A Melange of Themes - Adventure, hurt/comfort, magical shenanigans, healing, deep conversations and a dash of whimsical fluff are my favorites.

  • Equal time in the Sun - I'm looking for cooperative writers, not background characters for my own personal spotlight, and I expect the same in return.

  • PVE Friends - We gotta get the good glams, kids.

  • Customization - Penumbra? Moon codes? Yes.

 Pass On : 

  • Romance/ERP - I have a dedicated writing partner for these themes and I'm not seeking another.

  • Huge Events - Massive chat scroll gives me a headache and makes it hard to write my best.

  • WOL/Canon Characters - I prefer to write with original character concepts. I'm sometimes even a little iffy about characters with the echo - it depends on the writer.

  • Lore Breaking - Creativity is welcomed within the reasonable boundaries of the lore that defines our shared writing space. Where the lore is vague, we are able to expand upon it. Where it is firm, I prefer to respect the boundaries.

  • OOC Drama - I may be a mom, but I'm not your mom. I have neither time nor energy for nonsense.

 IF THIS SOUNDS APPEALING  Please feel free to contact me on discord so we can discuss oportunities to write together! My username is beethegoat .

character Profile

  NAME.  Fiadh Naomhan
  AGE.  22
  SPECIES.  Keeper of the Moon
  BIRTHDAY.  23rd of the 4th Astral Moon
  DEITY.  Menphina
  GENDER.  Female
  ORIENTATION.  Heterosexual
  LOCATION.  Dravania
  OCCUPATON.  Conjurer, hedge witch


The truth is stranger than my own worst dreams...
Oh, the darkness got a hold on me.


  TEMPERMENT.  gentle, joyful, stubborn
  ALIGNMENT.  chaotic good
  LIKES.  soup, home remedies, sheep
  DISLIKES.  technology, reductivism
  HOBBIES.  gardening, prayer, adventuring
  TROPES.  Barrier Maiden Plucky Girl
White Magician Girl


  HEIGHT.  5ft 2in / 1.56m
  HAIR.  ginger
  EYES.  moss
  BODY TYPE.  waifish
  OTHER.  covered in freckles
bushy ears and tail
white clan marks on face and body
clothing looks distinctly homemade
often with foliage in her hair


Wearing homemade clothes and hand-me-down boots, she's a child of the hinterlands. That dragon-infested wilderness is ground into her skin, seeped into every pore and freckle.From a clan that died at the hands of calamity, she's a lonely little thing, missing the bustle of family and the security of a lost mentor. There are bags beneath her eyes, and she'll confess that she doesn't sleep well... nightmare-plagued since the loss of her clan. But despite the melancholy in her eyes, she smiles and hums and sings through her work, as though she could manifest joy through her demeanor alone.Often Fiadh distracts herself with work; planting gardens, spinning wool, collecting herbs and concocting tinctures. She has a healer's bearing, a soft expression and nimble hands, with a home remedy for most ills and a spell for everything else. In quiet keeping with the ways of her clan, Fiadh offers her prayers to the Twelve and comports herself with humble wisdom. Her simple practice masks deep knowledge drawn from the buried libraries of New Sharlayan, and what looks like superstitious mysticism may be well-rooted in aetherological research.


Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Religious / In Between / Secular
Hard Working / In Between / Lazy
Graceful / In Between / Lumbering
Learned / In Between / Ignorant
Proud / In Between / Humble
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful


  New Sharlayan Native  
Those looking to recover knowledge from those great ruins surrounding Idylshire could do far worse than to ask for Faidh's assistance. She's known in the area for her skill in recovering tomes and samples from the infested libraries and workrooms, and it's rumored that her clan had ties with the colony before the exodus.
  An Holistic Approach  
There is medicine, there is body repair, and then... there is healing. More than herbalism, more than magic, Fiadh's practice is spiritual, combining traditional conjury with alchemy and prayer in a wholistic practice that targets the body, aether, and spirit as well. Those long-suffering from trauma or chronic illness could find her traditional approach refreshing, but those more used to modern medical practice might be skeptical.